Iran’s Kanoon IP Association  Hold a New Workshop on Empowering
Dec 2, 2019 Iran’s Kanoon IP Association Hold a New Workshop on Empowering

Continuous training of the Kanoon IP associate office’s officials has always been one of the key goals pursued by Kanoon IP. This empowering of the associate office's officials aim to reach a stronger capacity in intellectual property throughout the country. To this end, another workshop was held on 1st and 2nd December to allow interested officials, mainly those who were not present in the past workshop, to build stronger IP capacity across the country.

In addition to training on patent issues, the two-day workshop also focused on creating effective interactions between all office officials, networking, leveraging the valuable experience of successful offices, and establishing closer relationships among the affiliated offices. Officers who were not able to attend the previous workshops have the opportunity to integrate their training similar to the other offices. These seasonal workshops are a basis for other courses and workshops focusing on advanced patent training and the soft skills training required for office managers.


The timing, as well as the workshop, provided content that has been designed based on the time priorities and requirements assessments announced by the partner offices themselves. Kanoon IP assesses periodically the affiliated Offices and monitors their requirements by using questionnaires and feedbacks. It is expected that learning about patent-related issues, effectively communicating with Kanoon IP officers, building effective interaction and networking with other authorities, as well as sharing knowledge and experiences, would be tangible outputs of these workshops.

The new course, which was held in December this year, included three important sections. In the first part, which covered the first day of the workshop, Dr. Mehrdad Khanlarkhani, one of Kanoon IP consultant and lecturer, provided the basic training on intellectual property and patent rights. On the second day, Dr. Mehdi Atapour, Kanoon IP consultant, as well as Ms. Kazempour, the head of the Patent Office's Foreign Patent Unit, provided step-by-step instruction on how to file a patent application through Kanoon IP portal. In the final part, which was hold in the afternoon, Ms. Taheri from Amir Kabir University IP Office (Amirkabir University’s IP office is the most active affiliated Kanoon IP offices), and Ms. Negar Khatimi, Director of the Kanoon IP Academy, assess the management and performance challenges of the affiliated offices and assess the overcoming solutions.


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