Mar 15, 2021 The Winter Calendar of "Tuesday with IP" Webinar Series ended with GI

The latest webinar of this year's “Tuesday with IP” webinar series ended up with the Geographical Indication (GI)online webinar.

In the winter training calendar of KanoonIP’s "Tuesday with IP", a significant attempt was made to cover several IP rights.  In the previous calendars of the Tuesdays with the IP program, the main focus was drawn on the role, and importance of patents, and the need to use them. In the winter calendar, other types of IP rights, including Trademark, Industrial design, Trade secrets, copyright, and related rights have also been targeted.

The geographical indication (GI) as the latest webinar has drawn attention to geographical recognition of goods and services offered to the market. Referring to the geographical origin of a product and the reputation of that region to produce specific quality, GI will help to persuade more customers and increasing sales.  

The webinar on Industrial design was one of the online training courses in the winter calendar with the highest number of participants. This webinar was run for the first time in KanoonIP academy and designed based on many audiences’ requests.

Other new topics in the winter calendar were included: Impacts and use of copyright in Business; Fundamental of Trademark; and Trade Secret which all were widely welcomed by the participants

Kanoon IP academy launched a series of training webinars late last year in the name of “Tuesdays with IP”. The aim of these webinars is to build IP capacity in Persian language people and increasing public access to IP-related education materials.

The webinars have specifically targeted the Farsi-language researchers, scientists, students, and faculty members of the universities, R&Ds, and Research institutes, however, many participants from startup incubators and science and technology parks have so far participated actively in the webinars.

In each seasonal calendar, in addition to the above-mentioned topics, two other topics are hosted by Kanoon IP titled ‘Presenting Kanoon IP service; and instruction to filing patent applications abroad via Kanoon IP portal. This topic has been designed based on the inquiries of those people who are interested in filing their patent applications in foreign states and need Kanoon IP services and supports.

Details of the syllabus to be covered for training is prescribed in this link


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